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Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP)

Enhanced External Counter-pulsation (EECP) Or/ External Counterpulsation (ECP) can be an option when all other treatments have failed to relieve the persistent symptoms of chest pain or angina. It stimulates the blood vessels to develop small branches and creates a natural bypass around narrowed or blocked arteries.

Working Of The EECP Treatment

The EECP treatment for heart block is a part of our Preventive Cardiology treatments that uses a series of blood pressure cuffs on both legs. It gently yet firmly compresses the blood vessels in the lower limbs, thereby increasing blood flow to the heart. Each pressure wave is timed electronically to the heartbeat ensure increased blood flow to your heart at precise intervals. The pressure is released instantaneously when the heart pumps again, lowering resistance in the blood vessels in the legs and stimulating easy pumping of blood from your heart. ECP may open up some small blood vessels or collateral blood vessels in the heart that may eventually become ‘natural bypass’ vessels. This improved blood flow to the heart muscles also provides relief from chest pain.

Who Is Eligible for ECP Treatment?
  •   Have chronic stable angina
  •   Do not get relief from medications such as nitrates, calcium channel blockers, and beta-blockers
  •   Are deemed unfit for invasive procedures like angioplasty, stent, or bypass surgery.
Benefits of ECP Treatment:
  •   Decreased the need for anti-angina medicines
  •   Reduced symptoms of angina
  •   Increased ability to do activities without the onset of symptoms